Guntur Talkies is 2016 adult, crime, comedy Telugu film directed by National award winning film director Praveen Sattaru starring Naresh, Siddu Jonnalagadda, Rashmi Gautam in the lead roles. This film received an 'A' certificate from the censor board since the director choose to retain the scenes which goes with the story line.
Hari (Siddu) and Giri (Naresh) live in a slum in Guntur and work in a medical shop. They also steal small and insignificant items so that nobody recognizes them and complain to the police. One day both of them steal Rs 10 lakhs of money and runway to Goa. Suddenly they are chased by police and mafia. Rest of the story is about how they escape from them and how they settle in their life.
Hari (Siddu) and Giri (Naresh) live in a slum in Guntur and work in a medical shop. They also steal small and insignificant items so that nobody recognizes them and complain to the police. One day both of them steal Rs 10 lakhs of money and runway to Goa. Suddenly they are chased by police and mafia. Rest of the story is about how they escape from them and how they settle in their life.
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